Tourisme Alternative

Astypalaia is an ideal destination for alternative tourism as its suitable geography and warm climate allow its visitors to take full advantage of a great variety of choices and things to do. The island offers its own challenging climbing field, a wide network of walking paths and two underground caverns that are well mapped and photographed. All situated near areas suitable for historical sightseeing. The island will be most enjoyable particularly if visited in spring or autumn.
Trekking is the most suited way to discover the island. You can choose to walk on preordained paths or to climb on the island's peaks. Guiding you off the standard walking paths will allow you to explore ancient worn paths, meet the real Astypa-laeans and witness the local traditions in their most genuine forms. The colours of the thriving nature change from the one season to the other offering yet another diverse experience.

If your definition of holidays is be active, outgoing and adventurous the climbing field of “Ftera” is what you need. You can easily reach the climbing field as it only takes 20 minutes by car from Chora. The field is divided in two, dew to the broken bas-relief of the era and has 20 engraved routes, equipped with M10 stainless plugs and with rôle at their end. The asbestolithic rock is generally good enough. Join therefore your Astypalaean fellow adventurers and enjoy the island.
Climbing mountain crags, cliffs and traverses above the Aegean Sea with the co-operation of others builds up your team working spirit as well as your self-confidence. Simply imagine your Aegean island holidays combined with such a rewarding experience.
Simply place your feet on the pedals and enjoy the diverse landscape of Astypa-laea.
Stretching from the birth of Zeus in a cave in Crete to events of the most recent centuries, Greek mythology and subsequently history as well, have reserved a most prominent position for caves.